Internal Audit

Internal audit is mandatory for the entities that need to have audited financial statements according to the legal requirements and represents the objective examination of the activities regarding risk management, control and governance processes.

In addition to the statutory audit, which emphasizes the review of financial information and of the internal control system, with the objective of reducing the risk of presenting financial statements inconsistent with reality, internal audit involves auditing the processes and operational activities: sales, purchases, production, HR, etc.

The purpose of conducting internal audit is to add value and improve a company’s activities and internal auditors can cover a wide range of evaluations/ reviews, according to the management requirements.

Our internal auditors, through internal audit missions, will evaluate whether the risks are properly addressed by management. When identifying problems, the internal auditors propose recommendations and corrective actions, so that the entity carries out its activity in accordance with the internal organizational rules and with the current legislation.

The benefits of collaborating with HLB Romania’s internal auditors are:

  • Expertise gained in a large number of internal audit missions in various industries
  • Competitive cost through outsourcing
  • Increased independence in the activity
  • Ability to propose improvements of work procedures and systems
  • Constructive approaches in obtaining the company’s objectives

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