Accounting Review

HLB Romania is aiming that the accounting review will bring double benefits to the customer company:

First of all, to offer the guarantee of correct and complete bookkeeping of all company’s operations. The reviews can be on the spot or periodic, according to the customer’s requirements, so as to reduce to zero the risk of possible errors in accounting or in the computation of taxes due. If the review works are carried out before the reporting date to the Fiscal Authorities, they may also include assistance in drawing up the tax returns.

Secondly, following the reviews performed, support will be provided for correcting the errors and creating systems and working procedures that will lead to the improvement of the activity of internal departments. The approach to the relationship with the existing staff is always constructive and result-oriented. Through these services, our specialists provide legislative and professional development support for the staff within the internal financial accounting department.

Review activities may include either all accounting work, or may focus on sensitive aspects of the company’s business.

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